Michelle Cawley Yoga

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I believe you’re worth waiting for. Don’t you?

Self-LOVE doesn’t happen in an instant. You can’t flip a switch and magically be 100% in love with yourself. It just doesn’t work that way. So why force something that takes time?

What I’m asking you to do is to be patient with yourself. When I think of cultivating a sustainable Self-LOVE practice this is what comes to mind: It's embracing where you are on your journey and trusting you're exactly where you need to be at this moment.

They say fools rush into love. Don’t rush into loving yourself without laying the groundwork first. Here’s what I mean by groundwork…

I want you to:

  • Take your time exploring what it means for you to feel loved. Uncover the self-care practices that replenish you and start to weave those into your daily schedule.

  • Embrace all of you with the utmost gratitude, respect, and compassion because you deserve it.

  • Enjoy the journey as you welcome yourself back home with that warm embrace.

All of this and more requires a certain amount of patience. I believe you’re worth waiting for. Don’t you?

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