Michelle Cawley Yoga

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5 Tips for Creating Space for Personal Transformation

Dedicating time just for you is important when you're on a self-discovery journey. In this video, I offer five different tips for creating space in your calendar, home, mind, body, and heart for doing your work. In doing so, you’re setting yourself up to achieve your greatest desires.

Here are the five tips in a nutshell:

  1. Create space in your calendar by saying no, delegating, saying yes to help, and scheduling time each week just for you.

  2. Create space in your home by setting aside an area dedicated to your daily or weekly self-care practice.

  3. Create space in the mind by writing down all of the things that are taking up space.

  4. Create space in the body by connecting deep breathing with physical movement.

  5. Create space in the heart by practicing acceptance and compassion towards yourself and others.

Watch the video to learn more, and subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when I release new content.