Michelle Cawley Yoga

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Cultivate a strong foundation through belonging

Right after I started teaching yoga, I began collecting quotes that resonated with me. I use them as gentle reminders of what I’m working on or aiming for within myself and my surroundings.

A few years ago I came across this quote from Maya Angelou that gave me pause. It took me a moment or two to fully wrap my mind around the intended meaning. Please take a moment to read the quote. Then, ponder what it means to you right now, because I think she's onto something here.

“You are only free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.” – Maya Angelou

What comes to mind when you read this quote? What is she suggesting you do?

In my opinion, she’s asking you to belong to yourself first, to love yourself, to stand true to your beliefs and values, and to be ok with not being best friends with everyone.

Oftentimes we neglect what we know we need or want out of fear of not being liked by others or disappointing someone. I believe this is a disservice to who we are, our gifts, and what we want to experience or achieve in this lifetime. It means we care more about how other people judge us than honoring what we need to support ourselves right now.

Why do we allow this to happen?

Because we don’t have a strong center or sense of self. Another way to think of it is we don’t have a strong, sturdy foundation or backbone. Instead, we seek out acknowledgment and reassurance from external inputs (e.g. peers, colleagues, friends, and family) versus standing confidently in who we are as individuals.

What do I mean by a sturdy foundation?

When we feel connected to our foundation – the first chakra or muladhara – we feel secure and safe within our inner and outer worlds. What that might look like is this: you feel connected to your family or roots, you have a strong sense of self (e.g., values, beliefs, boundaries), you feel connected to your subtle body and it’s sensations, you’re able to relax and be still, and you view the world from a place of trust. This is what we’re ultimately aiming to feel at all times.

If this is striking a chord within you, I invite you to read Love Thyself, First + Always.

LTFA was written to help you:

  • Foster a stronger connection with yourself

  • Uncover what brings you joy.

  • Live more courageously and unapologetically as your true authentic Self.

  • Love all of you so that you can embrace those around you as well.

Sounds pretty awesome, right? I welcome you to Love Thyself, First + Always.


“A Conversation with Maya Angelou.” Bill Moyers Journal: Original Series, 21 Nov. 1973, billmoyers.com/content/conversation-maya-angelou/.