Michelle Cawley Yoga

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The Asanas – Table Pose Tutorial


Table Pose is often used to set up cat and cow tilts during warm-up and as a transition pose.





Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Start on hands and knees

  • Knees are under the hips, feet in line with knees

  • Hands are under the shoulders, hands fan out softly, index fingers are pointing forward

  • Press the ground away through the index and thumb finger mounds

  • Upper arm bones rotate away from the chest, eyes of the elbows point forward

  • Draw shoulder blades towards pelvis (away from the ears)

  • Aim tailbone towards the back edge of the mat, low belly hugs in towards the spine

Modifications and Variations

  • Place a blanket underneath the knees or fold the mat so there are two layers underneath the knees

  • Use fists or hand weights


Forward Bends


See this gallery in the original post