Yoga Poses


Mountain Pose

Tadasana is an active pose. It's one that will feel different than when you're standing on a street corner waiting for the light to change. In this video, I guide you through how to balance evenly between all four corners of your feet, engage the quads, integrate your core muscles, lift and lengthen your side seams, hug your shoulder blades down and back, and lengthen the back of your neck thereby creating a strong and sturdy mountain pose — the base pose for almost all other poses.

Child’s Pose

Balasana is often used as a preparatory or restorative posture. In this video, I demonstrate three different variations of child's pose: 1. toes touching with knees wide on the mat 2. extended with thigh bones parallel and arms stretched out in front of you 3. traditional balasana with the option to add blocks. Find child's pose anytime you need to rest or catch your breath.

Standing Forward Fold + Half Lift Pose

Uttanasana stretches the entire backside of the body, and is known to soothe the nervous system. With feet hip-width apart and parallel, fold forward from your hips. Allow your head and arms to dangle over your legs. Option to grab opposite elbows and sway slightly. If you're holding tension in the jaw, circle the jaw or yawn out loud.

Ardha Uttanasana stretches the hamstrings and is used to transition from standing to plank or downdog when moving through a vinyasa flow. Your inhale brings you into a flat back with the belly pressing towards the spine, long through the side seams, shoulder heads hug towards the pelvis and in towards the midline, long through the back of the neck.

Table Pose

Bharmanasana is often used to set up cat and cow tilts during warm-up and as a transition pose. In table pose, the knees are under the hips, the hands are under the shoulders, the index fingers are pointing forward in an L-shape, and when you peer back in between your legs, you can't see your feet.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana is considered an inversion because your hips are above your head. It's also used to warm up or build heat in the body, and as a pose to transition from one asana or posture to the next. In this quick video, I'll guide you through how to root down through the hands, find length through the side seams, engage the core, and press the inner thighs behind for a strong downdog pose. Know that your heels never have to touch and your legs do not ever have to be straight.

Plank Pose

Phalakasana uses the same cues in mountain pose but now you're weight-bearing. There are many variations of plank, we'll cover two of them here: high plank and knee down plank pose.

Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana is a chest opener that strengthens the back body. Hands can be positioned with the fingertips in line with the tops of the shoulders. Press the tops of your toes into the mat, even your pinky toes. Lift inner thighs towards the ceiling. Engage the low belly and aim your tailbone towards your heels. Hug the shoulder blades in towards your midline and down towards your pelvis. As you inhale, raise your torso away from the floor. As you exhale, come down.

Surya Namaskar A

There is no shame in building body awareness and strength before moving your body more quickly through a vinyasa practice. That's why I teach a modified Surya Namaskar A or Sun Salutation. In this video, we connect all of the previously covered poses into our first vinyasa flow. Take your time and repeat this flow until you feel more comfortable with the sequence of postures.

Warrior Two Pose

Virabhadrasana II is a foundational pose used in the physical practice of yoga. In this video, I break down how to establish your foundation and common misalignments to be aware of through the front knee and pelvis.

Dancer Pose

Natarajasana is a standing backbend that requires a deep opening through the front body. In this yoga tutorial, I guide you through three ways to practice dancer pose. You'll want a strap or a towel handy for this exploration. Also, make sure that you're warmed up before giving any of these a try.