Get The Wiggles Out – Shoulder Strength

Today, I invite you to build strength with this 12-minute yoga class. This practice will help you improve shoulder strength and mobility, and is for all experience levels. Have two yoga blocks within reach and meet me on your mat.


This video is part of the Get the Wiggles Out YouTube series, which designed to tackle excess energy in the mind and body, work through aches and pains, increase range of motion, build strength, and help you sleep better. The yoga practices offered are 12-20 minutes in length so that you can get some much-needed movement in at any point throughout your day. This video series is accessible for all experience levels. I’ll release a new video on the last day of every month. Check out this playlist for the growing collection of Get The Wiggles Out videos. So, get up off the couch or out of your desk chair and meet me on your mat. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified when I release new content.