How Perfectionism Negatively Impacts Your Happiness


Perfectionism gets in the way of our ability to be creative, spontaneous, and accepting of ourselves and others. If we’re always striving for perfection, we will constantly beat ourselves up over the smallest missteps. This mode of operation will always keep you striving to be perfect in the eyes of others. Maybe it was your high school coach or a parent who told you to do ‘it’ again, because it wasn’t good enough, which you internalized to mean you weren’t good enough.

Hear me when I say this... your value isn’t wrapped up in whether or not you perform an act or task flawlessly. Your value isn’t based on an external nod of the head in charge. It comes from deep within. Your intrinsic value comes from knowing and believing in yourself so much so that even if you make a mistake or let someone down, you understand that you’re still whole, and you’re still worthy of love and acceptance.

In this video, I encourage you to embrace your mistakes so that you can experience more joy in your life. Nobody has life figured out so why do we expect ourselves and one another to be perfect? Just stop it already.