Day 6 of Yoga for Beginners – Guided Meditation


Welcome to Day 6 of Yoga for Beginners!

This 7-day series helps students new to yoga build the foundation they need for a successful practice. Throughout the series, we'll focus on alignment, building strength, increasing flexibility and mobility, and reducing stress.


About the Class

The purpose of today's video is two-fold: 

  1. Share with you a handful of ways to find a comfortable meditation seat

  2. Then, sitting or meditating for 5 minutes with the goal of increasing to 10 minutes

Let's find a comfortable seat.

Props Needed

Yoga Blocks, Pillows, or Blankets

Explore the Asanas

Next up on The Asanas playlist is Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana. This chest opener strengthens the back body. Check it out here.