Posts tagged foundation
Day 7 of Yoga for Beginners – Vinyasa Flow to Restorative Yoga

This 32-min yoga practice combines vinyasa flow with restorative yoga. We’ll spend the first 12-minutes getting excess energy out before moving into longer holds in resting postures. Grab two bed pillows, two blocks or two decorative pillows, and 1-2 blankets from around the house. I’ll meet you at the top of your mat.

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Day 5 of Yoga for Beginners – Twisting Vinyasa Flow

Today’s class starts with a quick overview of how to find core integration in your body. Then with the use of the breath, we explore twists. Twists are an integral component of a yoga practice. They can be seated or standing, and help maintain mobility of the spine. It's recommended that we twist one to two times per day to maintain a healthy range of motion. Closed twists (e.g., lord of the fishes or a revolved crescent) should be avoided when pregnant because they can reduce blood flow and limit the baby's space. You’ll need two blocks or two water bottles for this practice.

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Day 4 of Yoga for Beginners – Pranayama

In today's Yoga for Beginners video, we explore three-part breath. The breath is considered the bridge between the mind and body, which is why it's such an important tool when practicing yoga. Staying tethered to the breath helps improve your focus on and off of the mat.

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The Asanas — Mountain Pose

In the physical practice of yoga, your foundation is anything touching the ground in support of the body. Let’s use plank pose as an example. Your hands and feet are your foundation. In headstand, the crown of your head, your hands, and forearms are on the mat. Let’s take a closer look by exploring Mountain pose.

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