Day 7 of Yoga for Beginners – Vinyasa Flow to Restorative Yoga


Welcome to Day 7 of Yoga for Beginners!

This 7-day series helps students new to yoga build the foundation they need for a successful practice. Throughout the series, we'll focus on alignment, build strength, increase flexibility and mobility, and reduce stress.


About the Class

This 32-min yoga practice combines vinyasa flow with restorative yoga. We’ll spend the first 12-minutes getting excess energy out before moving into longer holds in resting postures. I’ll meet you at the top of your mat.

Props Needed

2 bed pillows, 2 yoga blocks, or 2 decorative pillows

1-2 blankets or large bath towels

Explore the Asanas

In today’s asana video, we explore Surya Namaskar A or a modified vinyasa flow. Check it out here.