The Asanas – Downward Facing Dog Tutorial
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Downward Facing Dog is considered an inversion because your hips are above your head. It's also used to warm up or build heat in the body, and as a pose to transition from one asana or posture to the next.
In this quick video, I'll guide you through how to root down through the hands, find length through the side seams, engage the core, and press the inner thighs behind for a strong downdog pose.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Step-by-Step Instructions
From Table pose
Step back to Plank pose, press hips back to an upside-down V shape
Press firmly into the index finger and thumb mounds, eyes of the elbows are facing forward (arms externally rotated)
Head in line with the biceps
Shoulder blades are in upward rotation and elevated
Ribs knit together
Low belly snuggles towards the spine
Tailbone aims for heels
Inner thighs spin towards the ceiling, quads are firm
Soft bend in knees, heels never have to find the mat
Modifications and Variations
Puppy pose
Dolphin pose
Three-legged Downward Facing Dog
Scorpion Dog
Twisted Downward Facing Dog