Michelle Cawley Yoga

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You're not good enough or so that's what they want you to think.

I’ve been calling bullshit on societal and familia demands for the past few years. One thing I’ve learned is it’s hard to step away from those limiting beliefs until you have a strong sense of self. I believe the only way to embrace yourself wholeheartedly is through a continuous practice of Self-LOVE.

Acceptance is the third of ten areas we’ll cover as part of Love Thyself, First + Always. Self-acceptance starts with honoring your past, embracing your current realities, and trusting your future will unfold how it’s meant to without attachment to a vision or an overly-articulated end-goal. In this collection, we’ll cover how to unsubscribe from fear and societal expectations, how when we accept ourselves we’re better able to accept others, the unkind stories we unknowingly tell ourselves, and much, much more. Give it a listen below.

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