Sun Salutation Tutorial – Surya Namaskar A


Surya Namaskar A

There is no shame in building body awareness and strength before moving your body more quickly through a vinyasa practice. That's why I teach a modified Surya Namaskar A or Sun Salutation.


In this video, we connect all of the previously covered poses into our first vinyasa flow. Take your time and repeat this flow until you feel more comfortable with the sequence of postures.


Step-by-Step Instructions


Step 1:

Starting from Tadasana


Step 2:

Inhale, reach the arms overhead in Urdhva Hastasana


Step 3:

Exhale, fold forward in Uttanasana


Step 4:

Inhale, half lift in Ardha Uttanasana


Step 5:

Exhale, step back to Phalakasana or jump back to Chaturanga Dandasana


Step 6:


Inhale to Bhujangasana or Urdva Mukha Svanasana


Step 7:

Exhale to Adho Mukha Svanasana


Modifications and Variations

  • Substitute Phalakasana with Knee Down Plank

  • Swap Chaturanga Dandasana with Knee Down Chaturanga Dandasana

  • Replace Upward Facing Dog with Cobra or Bhujangasana


Sun Salutation

