Posts tagged vinyasa flow
45-minute Vinyasa Yoga Practice

Life is all about finding balance between extremes. We can swing from one side of the spectrum to the opposite side. Working towards the middle ground is the end goal (most of the time). Sometimes we need to experience one side of the equation in order to discover what is working or not for us in an area of our life (e.g., work, family, self). That’s when we make a choice (sometimes consciously, sometimes not) to come back toward your center.

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Twisting Yoga Flow

Over the past two years, I've offered at least one yoga class or guided meditation to my coworkers per month (sometimes more, especially when we were in the thick of COVID-19). We've continued practicing together ever since — today was no different. Care to join us for this twisting yoga flow?

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Sun Salutation Tutorial – Surya Namaskar A

There is no shame in building body awareness and strength before moving your body more quickly through a vinyasa practice. That's why I teach a modified Surya Namaskar A or sun salutation. In this video, we connect all of the previously covered poses into our first vinyasa flow. Take your time and repeat this flow until you feel more comfortable with the sequence of postures.

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