The Asanas – Warrior Two Tutorial


Virabhadrasana II

Warrior II is a foundational pose used in the physical practice of yoga. In this video, I break down how to establish your foundation and common misalignments to be aware of through the front knee and pelvis.



Virabhadrasana II



Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Feet about four feet apart, arms straight out from the shoulders

  • The front foot rotates out 90 degrees, back foot turned in slightly or parallel with the back edge of the mat

  • Bend front knee, shoulders stacked above the pelvis

  • Externally rotate front thigh bone

  • Front knee in line with second and third toes

  • Draw front sitting bone under

  • Lengthen through the side seams

  • Aim tailbone towards the earth and crown of the head up

  • Soften shoulders down away from the ears and bring the front body towards the back body

  • Stretch the arms out from the shoulders and keep parallel with the ground


  • Reverse Warrior

  • Shoulder Stretch

  • Tricep Stretch


Standing Posture

