Posts in tutorial
Sun Salutation Tutorial – Surya Namaskar A

There is no shame in building body awareness and strength before moving your body more quickly through a vinyasa practice. That's why I teach a modified Surya Namaskar A or sun salutation. In this video, we connect all of the previously covered poses into our first vinyasa flow. Take your time and repeat this flow until you feel more comfortable with the sequence of postures.

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The Asanas – Cobra Pose Tutorial

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana is a chest opener that strengthens the back body. Hands can be positioned with the fingertips in line with the tops of the shoulders. Press the tops of your toes into the mat, even your pinky toes. Lift inner thighs towards the ceiling. Engage the low belly and aim your tailbone towards your heels. Hug the shoulder blades in towards your midline and down towards your pelvis. As you inhale, raise your torso away from the floor. As you exhale, come down.

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The Asanas – Downward Facing Dog Tutorial

Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana pose is considered an inversion because your hips are above your head. It's also used to warm up or build heat in the body, and as a pose to transition from one asana or posture to the next. In this video, I’ll teach you how to find a sturdy downdog in your body.

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The Asanas – Standing Forward Fold Tutorial

Standing Forward Fold or Uttanasana pose stretches the entire backside of the body and is known to soothe the nervous system. With feet hip-width apart and parallel, fold forward from your hips. Allow your head and arms to dangle over your legs. Option to grab opposite elbows and sway slightly. If you're holding tension in the jaw, circle the jaw or yawn out loud.

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The Asanas – Ardha Uttanasana Tutorial

Half Lift or Ardha Uttanasana stretches the hamstrings and is used to transition from standing to plank or downdog when moving through a vinyasa flow. Your inhale brings you into a flat back with the belly pressing towards the spine, long through the side seams, shoulder heads hug towards the pelvis and in towards the midline, long through the back of the neck.

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