Stay Grounded In Your Body, Here On Earth

Introducing practices to Stay Grounded In Your Body, Here On Earth – A comprehensive gathering of mind-body techniques designed to help you cope with Covid-19 and keep you grounded here on earth. This collection of breathing exercises, guided meditations, journaling prompts, massage techniques, and a physical yoga practice is meant to bring you a greater sense of calm, and back towards center.


Here’s what is included in this collection:

  • 52-minute Stationary Yoga Practice

  • 6-minute Pranayama Technique

  • 3-minute Foot Massage w/ a Massage Ball

  • 4-minute Visualization Technique

  • 6-minute Foot Massage by Hand

  • 8-minute Guided Meditation

  • Sleep Better Posture

Visit YouTube to explore the playlist on my channel. Give me a follow while you’re there so that you’ll receive updates when I upload new content.

Feel free to explore all of the practices and choose the ones that resonate the most with you. You might start with a foot massage, then the stationary practice, and ending with the grounding meditation. It’s totally up to you. And know that one practice might feel good one day, and yet you need something different to support you the next day. Be kind, be gentle, be patient with yourselves. We’ll get through this together one day at a time.

Other recommended techniques you might explore, include:

  • Dig in the dirt

  • Hug a tree

  • Go for a walk

  • Spend time outside even if its sitting on your porch or deck

  • Put your bare feet on the ground

  • Sit quietly and use your senses to notice your surroundings: what do you hear, what colors or textures do you see, can you feel the texture of your clothing, etc.

  • Place your hands over your heart and say to yourself ‘I am safe’, repeat until you feel steady

  • Crystals like black tourmaline, hematite, pyrite, smoky quartz, or tiger eye to name a few

  • Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, and bergamot orange

  • Listen to grounding music from artists like Avahara, Alex Theory, Sacred Earth, Garth Stevenson, Hammock, Jon Hopkins, Goldmund, or Shiva Rea

Let me know in the comments below which techniques you find the most beneficial.