Posts tagged 30 min yoga
Restorative Yoga for Better Sleep

Practicing restorative yoga before bed is a wonderful way to shift into a restful state of being that supports sound sleep. Give this 30-minute practice a try and let me know in the comments below how you slept. I'm going to go out on a limb and say 'like a rock!'

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30-min Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Are you experiencing pain in your lower back? If so, this class is for you. Backaches can be caused by a handful of things. We’ll cover one reason today — lack of core engagement.

While working at my desk or cooking dinner, I recently noticed that I’m splaying my ribs open and that I’m arching my lower back (also known as an anterior tilt of the pelvis). This causes the muscles around my lumbar spine to ache. And so, I find myself craving stretches that lengthen the muscles in and around my back — just like the ones we’ll do in this 30-minute yoga practice. Join me, won’t you?

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30-minute Restorative Yoga for Lower Back and Hips

In this 30-minute restorative yoga class, I invite you to explore how the body feels. By tuning into the subtle sensations of the body, we're able to feel for what might be achy or sore and make adjustments that suit our needs right now. Maybe you need more support. Maybe you need to come out of the pose altogether. What does your body need right now to feel good?

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