Posts in elevated yoga practice
Life doesn't have to be a fire drill.

Life can sometimes feel like we’re juggling 10 million items while leaping over a fire all while keeping a smile on our faces. If you feel like you’re running around with your hair on fire — constantly — consider how doing versus being plays a role in your life.

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Child’s Pose is for Advanced Yoga Practitioners Only

Advanced practitioners recognize the importance of releasing their tight grip over an expected outcome (also known as non-attachment or aparigraha), achieving an advanced shape (straight handstand or pincha mayurasana), or over-exerting themselves during the vinyasa flow portion of a yoga class. But what surrendering into child’s pose really means for the more experienced yogis is letting go of their ego-driven mentality.

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6 Tips for Avoiding Wrist Pain in Yoga

You don’t have to suffer through wrist pain during or after a yoga practice. I’ve been there before — your wrists hurt after a yoga class and you’re not sure why. Lucky for you, there are a handful (pun intended, lol!) of ways to alleviate sore wrists and avoid a wrist injury. Let’s break it down.

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How to Improve Your Online Yoga Class Experience

Practicing yoga in a brick-and-mortar studio isn’t always an option these days. Thankfully, we have more virtual yoga classes at our fingertips than ever before. If you’re eager to continue your spiritual practice at home or you want to get a workout in, you’ll need a few things first. In this blog post, I share with you tips for finding the perfect space, how to set the stage before class, options for winding down after class, and household items you can use as substitutes for standard yoga props.

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