Posts tagged Mindfulness
Life doesn't have to be a fire drill.

Life can sometimes feel like we’re juggling 10 million items while leaping over a fire all while keeping a smile on our faces. If you feel like you’re running around with your hair on fire — constantly — consider how doing versus being plays a role in your life.

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Child’s Pose is for Advanced Yoga Practitioners Only

Advanced practitioners recognize the importance of releasing their tight grip over an expected outcome (also known as non-attachment or aparigraha), achieving an advanced shape (straight handstand or pincha mayurasana), or over-exerting themselves during the vinyasa flow portion of a yoga class. But what surrendering into child’s pose really means for the more experienced yogis is letting go of their ego-driven mentality.

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Only those willing to look at their ugly will do this.
I’m writing a book!

I believe Self-Love is a learned practice. One we practice daily from 10 different areas.

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